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Bulk Add Receipts To Create Expenses

How to bulk add receipts? How to create multiple expenses?

Written by Tanvi Telang
Updated over a week ago

If you have multiple receipts to create expenses for, you can do so using the Bulk Add Expenses feature. This feature allows you to upload multiple receipts at once and automatically creates expenses for each receipt. These are draft expenses that can be edited and saved to add to a report.

You can follow the steps mentioned below to create expenses in bulk:

On the spender dashboard, click on the drop-down arrow on the Add Expense button and select Add Expenses under Bulk Mode

You will be redirected to a page where you can upload the receipts in one of two ways:

  • Click on the click here to upload text and select the receipts from your computer

  • Drap and drop the receipts from your computer into the gray box

The receipts could take a few minutes to upload. Kindly stay on the page and wait for the expenses to get created.

Once the receipts upload is complete, a message will indicate the same and give you the option to review the expenses. To start review right away, click on Start Review.

This will redirect you to the expenses created for each receipt. You can fill in all mandatory fields in the expense form and then click Save and Next to save the draft expense and move on to review the next expense.

If you wish to review the expenses later on, you can find them under the Expenses section, under the Unsubmitted tab. The expenses will be in the Incomplete state until they are saved.

The expenses in the Incomplete tab are draft expenses, to save these expenses you are required to fill in mandatory expense fields and save the expenses.

To know more about how to add expenses to a report, click here.

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