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Create per diem expenses

What are per diem expenses & how do I create them?

Written by Tanvi Telang
Updated over a week ago

Per diem expenses cover daily allowances for meals, lodging, and incidental costs during business travel. Fyle simplifies tracking these expenses, automatically calculating the total based on the defined per diem rates and the duration of your trip. This article explains how to create per diem expenses using both the web and mobile app.

Creating per diem expenses on the web app

  1. Start a new per diem expense: Click the dropdown arrow on the Add Expense button and select Add Per Diem.

  2. Enter trip details:

    • Per diem rate: Choose the applicable rate from the dropdown menu. Your organization defines these rates, which may vary based on location or other factors.

    • From and to dates: Select the start and end dates of your trip. Fyle automatically calculates the number of days.

  3. Save the expense: Click Save to store the per diem expense. It will then appear under the Unreported tab in the Expenses section, ready to be added to an expense report.

Creating per diem expenses on the mobile app

  1. Start a new per diem expense: Tap the + (plus) icon and select Add Per Diem.

  2. Enter trip details:

    • Per diem type: Choose the applicable per diem type (if multiple types are available).

    • From and to dates: Select the start and end dates of your trip.

  3. Save the expense: Tap Save to store the per diem expense. It will then appear under the Expenses tab, ready to be added to a report.


  • Rate accuracy: Verify that you've selected the correct per diem rate for your trip.

  • Partial days: If your trip includes partial days, Fyle typically calculates the per diem based on a full day for each 24-hour period or any portion thereof. Consult your organization's per diem policy for specific guidelines on partial days.

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