To start exporting expenses from Fyle to QuickBooks Online, follow the onboarding process to set up the integration. This is a straightforward, five-step process outlined below.
You can access the integration settings by navigating to Admin Settings in Fyle and selecting Integration > Accounting > QuickBooks Online.
Connect to Your QuickBooks Online Company
Navigate to the integration connection page.
Click on Connect to QuickBooks to begin.
Log in using your QuickBooks Online credentials.
Select the QuickBooks Online company where you want to export expenses from Fyle and click Connect.
Once connected, you’ll be redirected to the integration settings in Fyle. Click on Save and Continue to proceed.
The integration will establish a connection and import the necessary data to complete the setup. This process may take a few seconds.
Configure Export Settings
After mapping employees, configure how expenses will be exported from Fyle to QuickBooks Online.
Choose whether to export reimbursable expenses, corporate card expenses, or both.
Specify the stage at which expenses should be ready for export (e.g., Payment Processing or Paid).
Reimbursable Expenses
Select how reimbursable expenses will be exported: as Expenses, Bills, Journal Entries, or Checks.
Choose the relevant account to post these transactions (e.g., an Accounts Payable account for Bills or a Bank Account for Journal Entries).
Select how your employees are represented in QuickBooks Online—as either Employees or Vendors.
(Note: When exporting as Checks, the representation defaults to Employee, and when exporting as Bills, it defaults to Vendor)Choose the state in Fyle from which you want your expenses to be exported to QuickBooks Online: either Processing or Closed.
Decide how expenses will be grouped (e.g., as individual transactions or consolidated into a single transaction).
Set the date for transactions in QuickBooks Online (e.g., Current Date, Spend Date, or Date of Approval).
Corporate Card Expenses
Choose how corporate card expenses will be exported: as Bills, Credit Card Purchases, Debit Card Expenses, or Journal Entries.
Set a default credit card vendor or account to use for unmatched transactions.
Tip: If using multiple card accounts, set up corporate card mapping in the Mapping section.
Choose the state in Fyle from which you want your expenses to be exported to QuickBooks Online: either Approved or Closed.
Decide how to group these expenses (e.g., by expense or by report).
Select the date for transactions in QuickBooks Online (e.g., Spend Date or Approval Date).
Note: When exporting Corporate Card expenses as Credit Card Purchases to QuickBooks Online, you can choose to merge all split expenses into a single line record by selecting "Multiple Line Item" under the setting "How should the split expenses be grouped?"
Import Settings
Import key dimensions from QuickBooks Online to Fyle for streamlined expense management. These include:
Chart of Accounts as Categories
You can also select which Chart of Accounts you want to import into Fyle, such as Income Accounts, Other Expense Accounts, Cost of Goods Sold Accounts, and more.
Vendors as Merchants
Items such as Products and Services
Class, Project, Department, etc as a dropdown expense fields
Advanced Settings
Customize and automate your export workflow with advanced settings. Options include:
Scheduling Automatic Exports: Set a frequency for the integration to export expenses automatically.
Auto-Creation of Vendors: Automatically create vendors in QuickBooks Online if they don't exist.
Auto-Sync Payments: Sync payment status between Fyle and QuickBooks Online. For instance, marking an expense as paid in Fyle will automatically update it in QuickBooks Online and vice versa (available for Bills).
Customizing Descriptions: Modify the data displayed in the description column of exports. Preview the output before finalizing.
Export with Next Open Accounting Period Date: Export expenses with the date of the next open accounting period.
Skip Export of Specific Conditions: Set conditions and skip export of specific expenses and reports.
Once your settings are configured, click Save & Continue. You can revisit and modify these settings anytime from the Configurations section.
Next Steps
Learn how to export expenses using the Fyle QuickBooks Online integration by referring to this article.