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Set Mileage Reimbursement Rates

Set mileage rates for your organization. Enable and disable mileage rates.

Written by Tanvi Telang
Updated over a week ago

When employees use their own vehicles for conveyance, they can claim the amount for reimbursement via mileage expenses. Mileage expenses capture the distance the employee has traveled and calculate the rate based on the set mileage rates. As an admin, you can set, and modify these rates as per your organization's functioning.

Navigate to your admin settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of your screen.

From the left-hand side panel, select Expenses and click on Mileage.

You can choose to set the rates by KM (Kilometers) or Miles.

Add new mileage rate

To add a new mileage rate, click on the Add Mileage Rate button.

In the pop-up box that appears, enter the required details and click on the Add Rate button to finish.

If you wish to add an annual rate slab, toggle the option to Yes.

The annual rate slab is a mileage rate that will apply once the total mileage rate has crossed a certain distance limit for that fiscal year.

You will have to add some additional details to set the annual rate slab:

Slab Rate: rate that will be applicable once the distance limit is crossed.

Distance Limit: the distance you want to set the slab against.

Month and Day: the starting month and day for your organization's fiscal year.

Once the details are filled in, click on Add Rate.

Enable and Disable Mileage Rates

Once set, you can Enable, Disable, and Delete the mileage rates as per your requirement.

Once a rate is enabled, it will be visible to employees to select in their expense forms. Once Disabled, employees will no longer be able to view the rate.

To Enable a mileage rate, toggle it to Yes. To Disable the mileage rate, toggle it to No.

Mileage Expense Fields

Expense fields capture various information about an expense. As an admin, you can control the details that need to be captured while creating mileage expenses.

There are default fields such as Cost Center, Date of Travel, Distance, Purpose, and Unit.

You can click on the fields and modify their Display Name (the name visible on the expense form), Placeholder (filler text that is displayed), and if to Make the field mandatory (if this is a mandatory detail to be filled in).

Once you have filled in the details, click on Update Field to save the changes.

You can make Location a mandatory field on the expense form for all employees. In order to do so, toggle the option to Yes.

Once enabled, employees will have to enter the location of travel in order to submit the mileage expense.

Restrict mileage expenses to select employees

You can choose the mileage rates visible to select employees. In order to do so, toggle to option to Yes. Once enabled, you will have to select the mileage rates allowed for the employees in order for them to view the rates on expense forms.

To assign mileage rates to employees, from the left-hand side panel in your admin settings, select Employees and click on Manage Employees. Select an employee.

In the employee form that opens up, scroll down to Expense Details. Under Mileage Rates, select the rates you want this employee to view. Once done, click on Save.

The employee will now be able to view and select only from the mileage rates assigned to them.

Disable Mileage

If you would like to disable the Mileage feature altogether, click on the Disable button.

Once mileage is disabled, the employees will no longer be able to create and claim mileage expenses.

This covers the mileage settings you can control for your organization.

To learn more about adding new employees, click here.

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