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Adding new employees

This articles cover adding employees to your company's Fyle account, and sending/resending email invitations to employees.

Written by Tanvi Telang
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Adding employees

You can add employee details to Fyle individually or in bulk. Once employee details have been added, an invite email automatically goes out to their registered email ID to verify their Fyle account. You can resend invites to your employees if they have missed the email or the invite link expires.

To add new employees to your company's Fyle account,

  1. Navigate to your Admin Settings > Employees > Manage Employees.

  2. Click on the Add Employees button at the top of the list.

  3. You can add employees in bulk by filling in details on an excel template or individually filling out the employee form with the required details. Select your preference in the pop-up box that appears.

Manually adding one employee

This will take you to an Add Employee form where you can fill in various details for each employee. Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory to be filled without which the form will not be saved. Once you have filled in the details click on the Save button.

Importing multiple employees using bulk upload

Click on Download Template to instantly download an excel template in which you can fill in your employee details. Once filled in, click on Upload .xlsx file to upload the template. On uploading the template, the employee list will populate with the data you have entered.

Once the employees are added, automatically an invitation email will be sent out to their official email IDs. The email will contain a link to verify their Fyle account.

Resending invites

Employees that are yet to verify their account will be in the Pending state.

In order to resend invite emails to employees, select the required employees using the checkboxes and click on Resend Invite from the main topbar. The invitation email will be sent to the employee.

NOTE: Invite links sent through email are valid for 24 hours after they have been sent. If the invite emails are not visible in your inbox, kindly check your Junk/Spam folder as it may have been redirected there.

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