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Verifier in action

Learn about the actions that can be performed by an employee with verifier role in Fyle

Jahaber Sathik avatar
Written by Jahaber Sathik
Updated over a week ago

The main role of a Verifier is to verify the approved reports. With this role, a user will be able to access the Verify tab under the Reports page. This is useful when someone in your team is responsible for only verifying reports, without requiring access to other functions. 

When an employee submits an expense report, it is automatically routed to their approver. After the expense report has been approved, the Verifier can access the approved reports from the "Reports" section. 

Verification Guide 

In the Dashboard, the user can see two tabs with a summary of :

  • Reports Approved: Clicking on this tab opens a window with all the approved reports which may be verified or not.

  • Verification Queue: Clicking on this tab shows the number of approved reports that are in the queue to be verified along with the total amount. 

Two ways to verify:

  • In "Reports" you can choose to select multiple reports and verify them together or

Reports verification
  • Open the individual report and verify it.

Verify reports individually

In either case, you need to go through every expense item in each report and verify it. 

To export an expense report for documenting them in your accounting system, you can either select individual or multiple reports and click on "Export" on the right side of the screen to download the report in a convenient format.

To fetch any specific report, click on "Advanced" on the right side of the screen next to the search box and apply corresponding filters. 

Other actions a Verifier can take on reports include Add Approver, Send Back, Edit, Flag, Share

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