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Set Up Secondary Approvers

How to enable/disable Secondary Approver? How to add/update Secondary Approver

Written by Tanvi Telang
Updated over a week ago

The secondary approver feature enables you to add another layer of approval for the expenses submitted by the employees in addition to their assigned primary approver.

As an admin, you can enable/disable the secondary approver feature for your organization as well as assign the secondary approvers for the employees.

Before assigning the secondary approvers to employees, you will need to enable the feature from your admin settings. Follow the steps below to set up secondary approvers for your organization.

Enable/Disable Secondary Approvers

Navigate to admin settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of your screen.

From the left-hand side panel, click on Account and select Advanced from the drop-down menu. Scroll down to the Secondary Approvals section and toggle the Secondary Approvers to Yes.

You can use the same steps and toggle it back to No if you wish to disable this feature.

Assign Secondary Approvers

In your admin settings, click on Employees from the left-hand side panel and select Manage Employees from the drop-down menu.

Click on the employee that you want to assign a secondary approver.

The employee form for the employee will open up. Under the Approver Details section, click on the dialog box under Secondary Approver 1 and select the secondary approver from the drop-down list. You can also add in a third approver using the Secondary Approver 2 box.

Once all the details are filled in click on the Save button to save your changes. The secondary approver will be assigned to the employee.

If you wish to change the secondary approver for an employee, you can follow the same process and delete the email ID in the Secondary Approver 1 dialog box and choose the required email ID. Click on Save once you have made any changes to the form to ensure your changes are recorded.

Create A Policy

As a last step of setting up the secondary approver workflow, you will need to configure an expense policy in order for the reports to go to the secondary approver.

In your admin settings, click on Expenses and select Policies.

Click on the New Policy button

If you require only certain types of expenses to go through the secondary approval workflow, you can choose the type of expenses to be included using these sections in the policy form:

  • Select the category of expenses targeted by this policy (choose expenses inclusive/exclusive of a certain category).

  • Choose who is affected by this policy (choose which employees the policy applies to).

  • Set the policy conditions (any other expense details that the policy should trigger for).

Once you have entered the required details, scroll down to the Define what happens when the policy is triggered section, click on Add Action and select Add Additional Approver.

In the additional fields that appear, select the secondary approver you wish to add in the dialog box under Secondary Approver.

You can fill in any other required details in the policy form, enter a description for the policy and click on the Save button at the end of the form to save the policy.

NOTE: In order to set up multiple approvers workflow, project-based approvals, HOD approvals, etc you will be required to create separate policies for each of the processes.

Using the steps mentioned, you can assign secondary approvers to employees across your organization.

To learn more about cross-organization approvals, click here.

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