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User preference for currency

[Business/ Enterprise plans] Set the default currency preference for creating expenses and for requesting advances.

Written by Pradyumna Dinni
Updated over a week ago

Key functionalities

  • This feature allows you to choose a preference for currency, which will be set as their default currency while creating expenses and for requesting advances, transportation bookings, and hotel bookings.

Who is this feature useful for?

  • This feature is particularly useful for those employees whose majority of expenses are in a different currency than their company’s home currency.

How to set preference for currency?

  • Before you can set a preference for currency, this feature must be first enabled by your company’s admin in the Organization Settings page. Please contact your admin to ensure whether this feature is enabled or not.

  • Click on the user icon on the top right corner of the app and go to Profile Settings.

  • Go to the User Preferences tab, and scroll down to the Currency Preference section. Click on the toggle to enable this section.

(If your admin hasn’t enabled the feature there, you will not be able to see this section in your profile settings page)

Currency Preferences under Settings on Enterprise/Business plan in Fyle
  • After enabling the section, choose your preferred currency and click on save.

Currency Preferences under Settings on Enterprise/Business plan in Fyle
  • Now your preferred currency will be set as the default currency while creating expenses and while requesting for trips or advances.

Preferred currency on Expense form
Preferred currency on Advance Request
Preferred currency on expense form in Mobile app
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