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Add cards & transactions using statement upload

This article explains how admins can use their credit card statements to add new cards and corresponding transactions on Fyle. 

Written by Pradyumna Dinni
Updated over 3 months ago

Preparing your credit card statement for upload

  1. Fyle only accepts statements in Excel/CSV format. You can download your statement from your bank portal in Excel/CSV format.

  2. Ensure that the statement includes transactions from the date period for which you want to add the transactions on Fyle.

  3. The statement can include transactions from one or more cards. There's no limitation on the number of cards that can be included in a single statement.

  4. Ensure that the name of the file includes the overall details:

    • Bank name

    • Statement period

  5. Ensure that the statement includes the following columns for each transaction:

    • Transaction ID

      A unique ID for identifying each transaction.

    • Card number

      Ensure that at least last 4 digits of the card are present for each transaction.
      Note: Do not include all 16 digits of the card in any statement. Such a statement will automatically be rejected by Fyle to protect your confidential data.

    • Amount

    • Merchant

    • Transaction Date

    • Post Date

Uploading your credit card statement

  1. From your admin account, navigate to Corporate Cards > Statements. Click on Add New Statement.

  2. Attach the statement file in Excel/CSV format.

  3. Verify the bank name and statement period automatically extracted by Fyle. Make any changes required.

  4. Choose the correct debit/credit convention for your statement.

  5. Review the mappings created by Fyle for each column on your statement. Make any changes required.

  6. Refer to the preview of the statement to ensure that the mappings are correct.

  7. Click on Import Statement. This will successfully upload your statement to Fyle.

    • In case your statement contains cards that already exist on Fyle, the transactions will be imported to the existing cards.

    • In case you statement contains any new card that does not already exist on Fyle, a new card will be created and the corresponding transactions will be imported to it. You will get an option to choose the assignee for any such new card.

Auto-detection of duplicate credit card statements by Fyle

When you upload a statement, Fyle identifies in case you have uploaded any statement twice. You will see one of the following warning messages in this case:

  • Similar statement found: In case you have uploaded the exact same statement again, you will see this message. You can cancel the upload or proceed with it anyway (this might result in duplicate transactions).

  • Duplicate transactions found: In case you have uploaded a statement which contains some transactions which already exist in Fyle, you will see this message. You can proceed to upload only non-duplicates or proceed with the full upload anyway (this might result in duplicate transactions).

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