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All CollectionsFyle for AdminsCorporate Credit Card
Upload Corporate Card Statements To Import Cards & Transactions
Upload Corporate Card Statements To Import Cards & Transactions

This article explains the steps to upload the corporate card statement and import the transactions on Fyle.

Written by Pradyumna Dinni
Updated over a week ago

As an admin, you can upload your organization's corporate card statements to directly import all the cards and transactions associated with each card onto Fyle. The statements can be uploaded in .csv or Excel format.

Before uploading statements onto Fyle, please make sure that the following details are captured in the statement for the transactions and cards to import successfully (fields marked with a * are mandatory):

Bank/Card Name: the bank name from which the statement is issued.

Amount: the transaction amount

Transaction Date: the date on which the transaction was made.

Merchant: the merchant name to whom the transaction was made.

Card Number: the card number of the transaction.

Card Network: the card network of your corporate card eg; VISA, MasterCard, etc.

Statement Period: the period of dates the statement includes transactions for. Typically statements cover an entire month's transactions. You can choose the to and from dates as per your statement.

Sign of the Debit Amount: whether your statements' debit amount is denoted with a positive (+ve) sign or not.

Foreign Currency:

Foreign Amount:

Description: a description of the transaction.

Transaction ID: a unique ID for identifying each transaction.

Post Date: the date on which funds are taken or added to an account, it may or may not match up with the Transaction Date.

While Fyle manages to map the fields on the statement with the fields present on Fyle automatically, you can change the field mappings in case of discrepancies or mismatches.

Follow the steps below to upload the statement onto Fyle:

  1. In the Admin mode, you can upload the statement from two places:

    • From the home page (Tasks dashboard): You can click on Upload from Company Cards under the Tasks page.

    • On the Corporate Cards section, navigate to Statements and click on Add New Statement.

  2. Drag and attach the CSV or XLSX file from your device or click on the + icon to browse the statement file from your device.

  3. Proceed to select a statement from your device and upload it onto Fyle.

  4. In the next step, you can select a Saved Mapping, if any. If not, Fyle automatically takes care of the mapping. Ensure all the fields present on the Statement are perfectly mapped with the system fields present on Fyle.

  5. Please verify the Bank/Card Name, enter the name in the field, and select the Statement Period (From date & To date of that statement).

  6. While you change any mapping (like Transaction Date, etc.,) you can see the preview section present on the right side of the screen to verify how the transactions will flow into Fyle.

  7. Review the fields and click on Import Statement to import the statement and all transactions into Fyle.

  8. If your statement has cards/transactions that are not assigned, you can assign the cards to your employees after the statement is uploaded, as shown here.

Saving a Mapping

If you're enrolled with a bank, the mappings of all columns from your statement can be the same every time. If you wish to save that mapping which can make your job easier next time, please enable "Save above mappings for later use."

You can name the mapping as per the bank program name (or) statement configuration.

Avoiding duplicate statements & transactions

While you upload the statements, there might be cases where the same statement or the transactions can be uploaded twice. Don't worry. We have got you covered.

Fyle intelligently identifies the duplicates to the transaction level and allows you to import only the new transactions without uploading the duplicate transactions. Here is what Fyle can do in case of duplicates.

Duplicate Statements:

Soon after attaching the statement file, if Fyle identifies a similar statement on the system, it shows you the statement details (Name, Date of upload and size of the file) along with the number of transactions. You can choose to:

  1. Cancel: Clicking this will cancel the statement upload.

  2. Proceed Anyway: Clicking this will upload the statement and import the transactions on Fyle.

Duplicate Transactions:

While uploading a statement, if Fyle identifies a set of transactions from a previous statement(s) on the system, it shows you the statement details (Name, Date of upload, and size of the file) and the number of duplicates. You can choose to:

  1. Upload without duplicates: Clicking this will ensure only the new transactions are imported to Fyle, and the duplicate transactions aren't imported.

  2. Upload All: Clicking this will upload the statement and import all transactions on Fyle, including the duplicates.

Note: If your organization has saved bank parsers (already mapped fields for the bank), you can directly import statements to Fyle by attaching the statement file from your device.

Feel free to contact our support team at [email protected] for further information or issues with uploading the statement.

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