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Exporting expenses to Xero

This article explains the steps to export reimbursable and non-reimbursable expenses from Fyle to Xero via Fyle-Xero Integration

Kamalini Yuvaraj avatar
Written by Kamalini Yuvaraj
Updated this week

All the expenses from Fyle can be exported to Xero once they've been approved or paid out. They’ll be stored in your Xero account for all your accounting purposes, like running reports, payment tracking, etc.

You can export expenses from Fyle to Xero after successfully setting up your integration. If you've not set up your integration already, go through this article to complete the process.

Export expenses from Fyle to Xero

  • You can access the integration from Fyle Admin settings > Integration > Native Apps > Xero.

  • By default, the integration will automatically import all the expenses in real-time that have reached their state of export in Fyle (based on whether you've selected payment processing or paid in your Export settings) and keep it ready for you to export from the dashboard.

    You can now click on the Export option to export expenses from Fyle as Xero transactions.

Successful Exports

If all the selected expenses from Fyle are exported as corresponding transactions in Xero, you will see a Successful Exports log along with a link to view the respective data. For further analysis, you can also check the data in the Export log.

Failed Exports

If your expenses/reports from Fyle failed to export as corresponding transactions in Xero, you will see a Failed Exports log with a link to view the respective data.

For example, in the above image, the export failed due to two errors, e.i. employee mapping and category mapping. You can directly resolve these errors from the dashboard before trying to re-export.

Resolve errors from the dashboard

Integration errors

For the integration errors, you can click on the resolve option. All the missing mapping data is shown with an option to create new mappings directly from within the dashboard.

Once the missing mapping is completed, the data is automatically saved, and you can try to re-export these expenses.

Xero errors

Xero errors generally occur because of validation or permission issues at the Xero end that block the Fyle integration from creating a record in Xero. In this case, all the associated expenses that have failed because of the error and the corresponding error code will be available in the dashboard. You can use this information to fix the Xero issue before you re-export the expenses.

Note: The integration will automatically compile all the previously failed expenses along with the newly imported expenses and keep them ready for you to export to Xero.

Export samples

Purchase bill view in Xero showing expense details and line items from Fyle.
Bank Transactions view in Xero showing expense details and line items from Fyle.

Contact us at [email protected] if you need assistance with exporting expenses from Fyle to Xero via integration.

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