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Direct deposit banking details - ACH

Adding your direct deposit details to receive reimbursements

Written by Shrey
Updated over 3 years ago

You can easily add your bank account details to receive reimbursements that are processed directly on Fyle by your organisation.

Follow these steps to set up the account in three easy steps:

1. Navigate to your Profile Settings page, and scroll down to find the Bank Account Details section

Adding Banks account to Fyle

2. Click on Add Bank Account. You will be prompted to enter your First Name, Last Name, and your official email address linked to your bank account

Adding bank account to Fyle

3. After entering your name and email address, you will be able to add your account details and select the type of account as well. This will be the account that will receive reimbursements when your organisation pays your reimbursements directly from within Fyle.

Adding bank account to Fyle

Once the details are entered, your Profile Settings page will include your bank account details

Bank account linked to Fyle

Note: You will be able to add this information only when your organisation has activated ACH on Fyle. Find more information here.

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