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American Express Direct Feed

This article covers all about the American Express Direct Feed - eligibility, how it works and how to set it up for your Fyle account.

Written by Pradyumna Dinni
Updated over 3 months ago

Introduction to American Express Direct Feed

If your organization is using credit cards from American Expresss, Fyle's American Express Direct Feed is the best way to capture your card transactions in Fyle.

Once your cards are connected to American Express Direct Feed, any transactions made on your cards will automatically flow into Fyle as soon as they are settled by your bank. This is usually 24-48 hours after the card is swiped.

Additional benefit: American Express Virtual Cards

If you're using American Express Direct Feed, you also have the access to create unlimited virtual cards that share the credit line of your existing funding card from American Express. All of this can be done directly from your Fyle account. To learn about creating and using virtual cards, read this article: Create and issue American Express virtual cards.

Eligibility for American Express Direct Feed

You are eligible to use American Express Direct Feed if:

  • Your organization's default currency on Fyle is USD

  • Your pricing plan includes this feature

  • You are using American Express Small Business (SBS) or American Express Corporate Cards issued by any US Bank.

  • You have a Master Account on American Express, with your employees' cards linked to it.

  • You have enrolled your Master Account on My Cards Account on

  • Your cards belong to one of the following programs:

If you qualify all of the above conditions, you're all set to start using American Express Direct Feed!

How does American Express Direct Feed work?

Fyle's American Express Direct Feed requires you to connect only your Master Account (Basic Card) on Fyle. All sub-cards linked under this account are automatically pulled in once the Master Account (Basic Card) is connected.

Here's how it works:

  1. As an admin, you connect your Master Account (Basic Card) on Fyle. This card will be visible under your Admin Settings section.

  2. Once connected, all sub-cards under the connected Basic Card automatically get pulled into Fyle.

    • If a sub-card has any transactions made in the last 7 days, it will immediately get added to Fyle.

    • If a sub-card does not have any transaction made in the last 7 days, it will get added to Fyle whenever the next transaction is made.

  3. The sub cards will be visible under the Corporate Cards section on your Admin dashboard. You can assign them to the respective employees.

  4. Once a card is connected (both Basic or sub card),

    • Any transactions made in the last 7 days will flow into Fyle.

    • All future transactions will flow into Fyle.

Set up American Express Direct Feed

To enable American Express Direct Feed on your Fyle account:

  1. Go to Admin Settings > Cards > Corporate Cards.

  2. Scroll down to find the American Express Direct Feed section. Switch on the Enable toggle.

  3. Once enabled, click on Add American Express Card. (This option is visible only after enabling the toggle in step 2.)

  4. Enter the details of the Master Account and click on Next.

  5. You will be redirected to the American Express portal, within Fyle. Do not close this screen till you complete connecting your card.

  6. On the American Express portal, enter your User ID and Password. Click on Log In.

  7. On logging in, you will see the list of eligible Master Accounts. Select the correct account by clicking on Select This Account.

  8. Continue with or without adding a nickname. Click on Continue.

  9. Verify the card by entering the CSC (last 3 digits on the signature strip on the back of your physical card). Click on Continue.

  10. Read through the Terms and Conditions displayed by American Express and select both the checkboxes under Terms and Conditions.

  11. Click on Enrol & Authorize. This will successfully connect your Master Account (card) to Fyle.

  12. Click on Close to close the American Express portal.

You can now see your connected card under the American Express Direct Feed section under Admin Settings > Cards > Corporate Cards.

Assign cards to employees

You can find and assigned the sub-cards added from American Express using the following steps:

  1. From the left panel, go to Corporate Cards > Manage Cards > Unassigned Cards.

  2. For the card you want to assign, click on Assign Card under the Action column.

  3. Select the employee and confirm the action.

FAQs on American Express Direct Feed

  1. Can I connect an individual card only, instead of connecting the Master Account (Basic Card)?

    No, only Master Account (Basic Card) can be added. All individual cards under the Master Account are automatically added to Fyle.

  2. Can employees add their own cards to American Express Direct Feed?

    No, only admins have access to set up the feed. Admins too can only add the Master Account and not individual cards.

  3. I made a transaction on my American Express card, but I don't see it in Fyle. Why?

    American Express Direct Feed captures transactions only once they are Posted (settled by the bank). If your purchase is not yet present on Fyle, it might not have been settled by the bank yet.

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