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Save and share filters you frequently use

This articles covers the steps to save and share your commonly used search filters with other users in the organization.

Written by Tanvi Telang
Updated today

If you use certain filters on a regular basis, you can save the filters in order to save the time and effort of selecting the filters the next time. You can save filters on the Business Expenses page.

  1. Navigate to the Business Expenses page.

  2. Apply the filters you wish to save.

  3. Once the filter is applied, click on the bookmark icon on the right-hand side of the list.

  4. In the Save Filter box that appears, type in a name for the filter.

  5. If you want to share the filter with your colleagues, toggle the Share Filters to Yes.

  6. Click on the Save Filter button to proceed.

Once you have saved a filter, a Saved Filters button will appear beside the bookmark icon. Click on the arrow to view a drop-down menu of saved filters.

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