When exporting expenses from Fyle to NetSuite, by default, a standard set of fields is passed from Fyle to the Memo field of transactions in NetSuite. The fields include:
Merchant/Vendor name recorded in Fyle expense
Email of the employee
Expense Category
Report number
Purpose filled in the Fyle expense form
Date of spend
However, if you are looking to pass specific fields to the NetSuite memo field, you can delete or reorder the current set of fields by following the steps below:
Log in to your Fyle account.
Go to the Admin Settings > Integrations > Native Apps > Netsuite
Head to Configuration > Advanced Settings > Modify Memo
Select/Unselect the fields you do not want to pass to the NetSuite memo field.
Do reach out to us at [email protected] if you need any assistance setting this up.