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Process to enable Corporate Credit Card Transaction Feed to Fyle
Process to enable Corporate Credit Card Transaction Feed to Fyle

Read this article to understand the process of enabling different kinds of corporate card feed to Fyle to import the transactions

Written by Pradyumna Dinni
Updated over 8 months ago

In this article, let's understand the process of enabling bank feed for your corporate cards so that the transactions are imported seamlessly to Fyle.

If you want to understand the different modes of importing transactions to Fyle, please read this article. Here are the various modes in which you can import the transactions to Fyle:

  1. Real-time Feed

  2. Direct Data Feed (Bank Feed Integration)

  3. Bank Statement Upload

Process to enable Credit Card Transaction Feed

1. Real-Time Feed

We have an industry-first way to get your company's credit card transaction data instantaneously on Fyle. If you're on the Business plan and higher and have Visa Cards or Mastercards issued by US banks, you can have the Real-Time Feed.

  1. Visa Cards - Read this article to learn how to enable Visa Real-Time Feed.

  2. Mastercard - Read this article to learn how to enable Mastercard Real-Time Feed.

Timeline: If you are eligible for either Visa or Mastercard Real-time Feed, let us know at [email protected]. We will enable the Real-Time Feed for you in 1-2 working days.

2. Direct Data Feed (Bank Feed Integration)

The process to enable credit card transaction feed is as shown in the image below. Typically, the process takes around 2-4 weeks after confirmation from the Card Provider or Bank that the data feed is supported for the customer’s card program.

Flow of configuring CCC

You can follow the below steps to get started:

  1. Click on Request

  2. Enter the Bank Name, the Name of the card provider and the number of cards.

  3. Click on Request to submit the request to our team. You'll receive an email from Fyle and subsequently, your account manager will help you with the steps based on your bank program and the card provider.

Note that only the Owner of the organization can request bank feed integration.

The following corporate card programs typically support Direct Data Feed.

a. American Express

The process to set up American Express Corporate Card Data Feed (GL-1025) is:

  • The American Express data feed file format is called GL-1025.

  • You would need to reach out to your American Express point of account/relationship manager to check if the data feed is available for the card program and to request your Amex data to be transferred to Fyle.

  • If data feed support is available, American Express account/relationship manager will request you to contact the Card Implementation / Transmissions team (Contact: 1-800-337-7283, mail:[email protected]).

  • The Card Implementation / Transmissions team will provide you with a Global Data Transfer Form (GDTF) and an Implementation Form.

  • You will need to send the GDTF and Implementation form to Fyle. In the GDTF, Fyle will be mentioned as the nominated consolidator for the data feed. On the Implementation form, the technical details will be shared by Fyle.

  • Once the GDTF and Implementation form is completed, the customer needs to mail them to the Card Implementation / Transmissions team on the email ID given above. Mark a copy of the email to Fyle while sending these forms.

  • Once the forms are received, American Express then designates a project implementation specialist who will directly contact Fyle and work with Fyle to validate the details and set up the data feed.

  • The Card Implementation / Transmissions team sends a test file with the required file naming convention, file format, frequency, and encryption.

  • If the test file is confirmed to be in order, the data feed is set live by American Express based on a start date that you specify.

Timeline: Entire process to activate the data feed could take 2-4 weeks after confirmation of data feed availability by the American Express account/relationship manager.

b. Visa Corporate Card Data Feed

The process to set up Visa Corporate Card Data Feed (.VCF) is:

  • The Visa data feed format is called .VCF

  • You would need to reach out to your bank account/relationship manager to check if the data feed is available for the card program so the card data feed can be shared with Fyle

  • If data feed support is available, you can request an ‘Outbound Delivery Request Form’ from their Bank

  • This form contains fields that you need to fill in, along with technical details that Fyle needs to fill in

  • Once this has been completed, you would need to send this back to the Bank. Mark a copy of the email to Fyle while sending these forms

  • Once the forms are received, the Bank will then work with Fyle to confirm details and initiate the data feed

  • The Bank will initiate the data feed and send across a test file with the required file naming convention, file format, frequency, and encryption

  • If test file is confirmed to be in order, the data feed is set live by the Bank based on start date that you specify.

Timeline: Entire process to activate the data feed could take 2-4 weeks after confirmation of data feed availability by the Bank account/relationship manager.

c. MasterCard Corporate Card Data Feed

The process to set up MasterCard Corporate Card Data Feed (.CDF) is:

  • The MasterCard data feed format is called .CDF

  • You would need to reach out to your bank account / relationship manager to check if data feed is available for the card program so the card data feed can be shared with Fyle

  • If data feed support is available, you can request for a ‘Smart Data - Endpoint Delivery’ Form from the bank. This form contains fields that you need to fill in, along with technical details that Fyle needs to fill in

  • Once this has been completed, you would need to send this back to the Bank. Mark a copy of the email to Fyle in while sending these forms

  • Once the forms are received, the Bank will then work with Fyle to confirm details and initiate the data feed

  • The Bank will initiate the data feed and send across a test file with required file naming convention, file format, frequency, and encryption

  • If test file is confirmed to be in order, the data feed is set live by the bank based on start date that you specify.

Timeline: Entire process to activate the data feed could take 2-4 weeks after confirmation of data feed availability by the bank account/relationship manager.

d. Other Card Programs

In addition to the above, there could be other card providers (e.g. Diners) who might be able to provide a corporate card data feed. In such a scenario:

  • You would need to reach out to your bank/card provider in order to confirm if a data card feed is available.

  • Once the availability of the data feed is confirmed, you can request any forms that need to be completed in order to activate the data feed

  • Fyle will work with the card provider to fill out any required forms and to sort out the technical details required to initiate the data card feed.

Timeline: The timeline to activate the data feed will depend entirely on the process followed by the bank/card provider.

3. Enabling Bank Statement Upload

You can enable Bank Statement upload functionality if you're on the card programs where data feed is not supported.

To enable Bank Statement Upload for your organization:

  1. Go to Organization Settings > Cards > Corporate Cards

  2. Enable the toggle under Bank Statement Upload.

  3. Once enabled, you can follow the steps mentioned here to upload your bank statement to import the transactions to Fyle.

Feel free to contact our support team at [email protected] for further information or issues with corporate card settings.

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