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Approval on Behalf of Approver

Steps on how an admin can approve a report on behalf of an approver

Siva Narayanan avatar
Written by Siva Narayanan
Updated over a week ago

Sometimes an approver might not be able to approve their team's reports because they are traveling or are on leave with limited internet connection. And in such cases, the payments of the team members might get delayed because of the delay in approval.

To avoid this, we have just the right feature. Approving on behalf on the Fyle Approver. Here are the steps on how an admin can approve reports on behalf of approver:

Go to the Approvals tab on the Reports page. This will show you a list of all the reports that are pending for approval:

approvals tab on the reports page in admin view

To view the reports of the approver whose team's reports are pending for approval;

  • Click on Advanced option next to the search box

  • Select the field Approver

  • Enter the email id of the approver whose team's reports need to be approved

  • Click on 'Search'

search reports by approver

Select a report of the employee whose report needs to be approved. After checking all the details click on the Approve button at the top. 

approve button inside a report

This report will now be approved on behalf of the approver, and the details are captured in the Audit-Trail when you click on View comments.

Once approved, the report will be forwarded to the finance team for verification and processing of payment as per the usual Fyle workflow.

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