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Payment Mode field in expense forms

What are the different payment mode options available for an expense? Understand which of them are reimbursable and which of them aren't.

Written by Pradyumna Dinni
Updated over a week ago

All the possible payment options for an expense are consolidated into the Payment Mode field. The options are straight forward and exhaustively cover all the different use cases.

Whenever you open the expense form, a payment mode is pre-selected. This default payment mode can be set by your admin. Moreover, if you have only 1 payment mode accessible to you, you will not see the payment mode field at all!

Let’s take a more detailed look at the options available for the Payment mode field:

This option accounts for all the cases where an expense is paid from employee's own pocket (cash or personal card) and hence is reimbursable.

When and employee is creating an expense for a business spend made using the corporate card issued to them by their organization, they must select this option. This is a non-reimbursable expense.


When an employee spend from an advance issued to you by your organization, this option must be selected. This is a non-reimbursable expense. If there are multiple advances issued to you, you can select the particular advance account to which you want to associate the expense.

(Note:- If your organization uses a single advance accounts feature, then all the advances issued to you will be shown under a single advance account. Whereas, if your organization has enabled the multiple advance accounts feature, then each advance issued to you will be shown as a separate account.)

P.S.- Select Orgs will see 'Paid by Company' as a payment mode. If you wish to remove it, please contact the support team at [email protected].

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