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Managing corporate cards

This article covers how admins can manage corporate credit cards including assigning cards, adding nicknames and deleting cards.

Written by Tanvi Telang
Updated over 2 months ago

Assign a corporate card to an employee

Once you have added corporate cards to your organization's Fyle account, you can begin assigning the cards to the respective employees. Once a card is assigned, the transactions from the card flow into the assigned employee's Fyle account.

To assign a card:

  1. From the left panel, go to Corporate Cards > Manage Cards. Switch to the Unassigned Cards tab.

  2. Find the card that needs to be assigned.

  3. Click on the Assign Card button under the Action column.

  4. Enter the name or email address of the employee to whom the card needs to be assigned.

  5. Click on the Assign Card button. This will successfully assign the card to the selected employee.

Add a nickname for a corporate card

As the number of credit cards grows in your organization, it might get difficult to identify cards easily using only the card digits, especially when cards have similar numbers! In order to easily identify cards on Fyle, you can add nicknames to them.

Please note: while only admins can add nicknames to corporate cards on Fyle, these nicknames are visible to the card assignees as well.

To add a nickname:

  1. From the left panel, go to Corporate Cards > Manage Cards.

  2. Click on the card to which you want to add a nickname.

  3. Click on the Add Card Nickname button.

  4. Enter the nickname you want to add to the card. Click on Save to successfully add the nickname.

  5. You can now see the card nickname under the card number on all pages in Fyle.

To remove or edit a nickname:

  1. From the left panel, go to Corporate Cards > Manage Cards. Click on the card for which you want to edit or remove the nickname.

  2. To edit the nickname, click on Edit Card Nickname from the dropdown. Enter the new nickname and click on Save to confirm the action.

  3. To delete the nickname, click on Remove Card Nickname from the dropdown. Click on Remove to confirm the action.

Delete a corporate card

In case you have a corporate credit cards that as connected to Fyle but is not being used, you can permanently delete it from Fyle.

Before you proceed to delete a card, please note:

  • Deleting a card from Fyle is an irreversible action.

  • It is not possible to delete a card if the card has any expenses in Submitted, Approved, Processing or Closed state. Only unused cards with no submitted expenses can be deleted.

To delete a card:

  1. From the left panel, go to Corporate Cards > Manage Cards.

  2. Select the card you want to delete. This will open the card details on the page.

  3. Select the drop-down arrow on the top right corner. Click on Delete Card.

  4. Click on Yes, Continue to proceed.

  5. Enter the last four digits of the card and click on Delete card to confirm the action. This will successfully delete the card from Fyle.

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