You are eligible for the Mastercard Real-time Feed if you satisfy the following:
Must be a Business or Enterprise Plan customer
Home currency must be USD
The company cards must be on the Mastercard network and must be issued by a US bank (any bank)
You must've uploaded at least one card statement in the recent past
Enable Mastercard Real-time Feed
If you fall in the above criteria, you can start using Mastercard Real-time Feed, you can visit the Settings page of the Organization view and follow these steps:
From the Organization view, go to Settings > Cards > Corporate Cards
You can see a section called Mastercard Real-Time Feed. Enable the toggle to enable the Mastercard Real-time feed for your organization.
Once the feature is enabled, the individual cardholders will have to connect their cards. As an admin, you will be able to remind the spenders to connect their cards to Mastercard Real-time Feed.
Once a spender has connected their card, you will see card transactions coming into Fyle in real-time. E.g. when a spender swipes their card in a coffee shop, that transaction will come into Fyle, and an expense will be auto-created within a couple of seconds. The spender will simply have to attach the receipt to the SMS notification from Fyle and fill in any mandatory fields on Fyle app.
The real-time feed only brings in new transactions after adding the card. In the first cycle of using the real-time feed, please watch out for any transactions that may get missed between the last statement upload and the card connecting to the Mastercard Real-time feed.
Employees can follow these steps to connect their Mastercards for the real-time feed.
If you'd like to understand the Fyle behaviour with Mastercard Real-time Feed in detail, read this article.
Note: SMS charges will be as per the carrier's standard rate.
Feel free to reach us at [email protected] for any clarifications or issues.