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Managing and processing expense reports

This article covers the workflow for reports in Fyle and how you can use this as an admin.

Siva Narayanan avatar
Written by Siva Narayanan
Updated this week

As an admin, you can take all actions on expense reports from a single page. To find this page, navigate to to Expense Reports from the left-panel on your dashboard.

Step 1: Approve Reports

All the reports your employees have submitted for Approval will be available in the Submitted queue. As an Admin, once you select the reports in this queue, you can either remind the approvers to approve them or Approve them yourself. Once approved, the reports will be moved automatically to the Approved queue.

Step 2: Verify Reports (Optional)

Verification is optional in the new workflow. If you would like to verify the reports that Approvers have approved, you can just head to the Approved queue. A grey checkmark indicates the unverified reports in the Verified column; select them as shown below and start verifying expenses.

Step 3: Processing Payments

This step is only shown if you have set up reimbursable expenses in your Fyle account. If you are processing reimbursement in Fyle via ACH, you can initiate this from the Approved queue, select the reports that have been approved and verified, and click on Reimburse via ACH. This will move the reports to the Processing queue, and you can monitor the status of the reimbursement processing.

Alternatively, if you are handling reimbursement outside of Fyle, you can still select the reports that have been approved and Start Processing to move them to the Processing queue. Once the process is complete in the external system, you can mark the reports as closed from the Processing queue in Fyle. Read more

Step 4: Close Reports

If your organization uses only Corporate Cards for expenses, this is the immediate next step after reports have been Approved and Verified.

Select the reports you want to close from the Approved queue and Mark as Closed. This is the final step in the Reports workflow.

If you are recording reimbursable expenses in Fyle and processing reimbursement via Fyle ACH, the reports will be automatically moved to the Closed queue once the expenses are paid out through ACH.

You can also configure the Fyle Accounting integration to export corporate card expenses to the accounting system as soon as they are Approved; this ensures that you can reconcile and close the books faster with Corporate Card expenses. Read more

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