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Verifying mobile number on mobile app

Here are the steps to verify your mobile number on mobile app

Written by Pradyumna Dinni
Updated over a week ago

To access the services via mobile, you need to verify your mobile number after adding it to Fyle. Keep your mobile phone handy while verifying the mobile number since you need to enter the OTP received on your mobile.

Please follow the steps mentioned below to add and verify your mobile number:

  1. Go to the Settings page by clicking on the Menu button from the top left corner of your screen

  2. On the Settings page click on “Add Mobile Number”

  3. Enter your mobile number and click on Next. You need to enter a valid phone number with your country code. e.g. +12xxxxxxxx.

  4. You will get a 6-digit OTP on your mobile number. Enter the OTP here and click on Verify to finish the verification process.

  5. Your number is now Verified.

Note: This is a pre-requisite to submit your receipts via text messages.

Bingo! You've completed the mobile verification on Fyle.

Feel free to write to us at [email protected] for any concerns or issues while verifying your mobile number. Don't share your OTP with anyone.

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