If your company has issued you one or more Visa or Mastercard corporate cards, you can add and manage them in the Fyle mobile app.
You can add your corporate cards and transactions will automatically sync to Fyle. You can view the expenses created from them, and disconnect the cards - all on the Fyle mobile app.
Adding a Corporate Card
You can add your corporate card by following these steps in the Fyle mobile app:
You can either do it from the Mobile app dashboard (landing page) or go to Settings > Manage Corporate Cards. Click on "Add Corporate Card."
Enter the card number, read the terms and conditions, and click "Add". (An example of adding a Visa card is shown here. You can follow the same steps if you have a Mastercard).
After you enter your card number, it will be added immediately after you click "Add"
After successfully adding the card, you can see the expenses created from the transactions on the dashboard.
You can manage your card from Settings > Manage Corporate Cards.
Note: If you don't see the Manage Corporate Cards page in your settings, your company may not have opted in for direct card feeds. Please contact your account administrator to enable this.
Additional reading:
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] for more information or if you have any questions.