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Different States Of Your Expenses
Different States Of Your Expenses

Different expense states and tabs under the Expenses page

Written by Tanvi Telang
Updated yesterday

All your expenses in Fyle are divided into different states depending on where they currently stand in the reporting cycle. You can view all your expenses from the My Expenses where you can carry out necessary actions on those expenses.

Click on Expenses from your left-hand sidebar to navigate to the My Expenses page.

All your expenses are visible under the three tabs - Unsubmitted, Blocked Expenses, and All Expenses based on the actions that need to be carried out on them.


Expenses under this tab include those that fall under the Incomplete and Unreported states. These expenses are not yet submitted for approval to your approver/admin. Expenses in these states can be edited by clicking on the expense individually and editing details in the expense form.


  • Expenses that have mandatory details (denoted by a red asterisk on the expense form) missing.

  • Expenses that have been automatically created from data retrieved from your linked corporate card/s (if applicable).

  • Expenses that get created via corporate card once you have uploaded a receipt for automatically extracting data and have mandatory fields yet to be filled in.


  • Expenses that have all mandatory details filled in but have not been added to an expense report for submission to your approver/admin.

Blocked Expenses

Expenses under this tab include those under the Incomplete and Unreported states that have violated one or more of your organization's critical policies and hence cannot be submitted for approval.

Expenses are editable under this tab, you can view the policy violation on the expense by clicking on it, making the changes required, and saving it. The policies will automatically re-run on the expenses and they will move out of the Blocked Expenses tab once the conditions of the policy are met. You can then view these expenses under the Unsubmitted tab.

All Expenses

Under this tab, you can find expenses belonging to all the different states. Additional to the Incomplete and Unreported states, there are Reported, Approved, Payment Queue, Processing, and Paid states visible in the list.


  • Reported expenses are the ones that have been submitted for approval from your approver/admin. They are yet to be approved and cannot be edited by you in this state.


  • Approved state indicates that the expenses have been approved by your approver/admin. Expenses in this state cannot be edited by you and no action is required to be taken on the expense.

Payment Pending

  • Expenses in the Payment Pending state have been moved to the list of payments to be processed by your finance team/admin.

  • If the expenses are non-reimbursable, expenses may be moved to this state to push the expense forward in the reporting cycle.


  • Expenses in the Processing state indicate that the finance team/admin has processed your reimbursement.

  • If the expenses are non-reimbursable, expenses may be moved to this state to push the expense forward in the reporting cycle.


  • Paid is the last state of the reporting cycle. Your finance team/admin marks the expenses as Paid once the reimbursement has been successfully processed and paid.

  • For non-reimbursable expenses, your finance team/admin may mark expenses as Paid to indicate the completion of the reconciliation process.

This covers all the different states of expenses that are listed in their respective tabs on the My Expenses page.

To learn about your expenses page, read here.

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