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Admin Overview

Actions an admin can perform

Jahaber Sathik avatar
Written by Jahaber Sathik
Updated over a week ago

An admin has total control over the application. Users in this role can add custom expense categories/user fields, set up policies, and invite/add users to the account as well. As an admin, the user will be able to view all the expenses of all the employees, whether they are Fyled, Reported, Approved, along with Processing and Paid State. Admins have Approver and Finance functionalities too. The below flowchart gives you an overview of the role. 

To know how to add/invite new employees, click here.

To know how to send reminders, click here.

To know how to add custom expense fields, click here.

To know how to add custom user fields, click here.

To know how to set up policies, click here.

To know about approver actions, click here.

To know about finance actions, click here.

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