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Understanding My Reports Page

What are open reports? What are draft reports? How do I see the status of my report? How do I submit a report?

Written by Meeha Tewari
Updated over a week ago

All expenses you create on Fyle must be added to an expense report before you can submit them. To find all the expense reports you have created, go to Reports from the left panel.

Within this section, the reports are divided into different tabs for easier management- Open, Submitted, In Progress and Closed Reports.

Open Reports

This tab includes expense reports that still need to be submitted for approval. You can complete and review these expense reports and submit them for approval.

Under this tab, you will find 2 kinds of expense reports:

  • Draft Report: Any expense report that you have created but not yet submitted for approval.

  • Sent Back Report: Any expense report that you have submitted earlier, but was sent back by your approver or admin for any reason. You can make the required edits in this case, and send your expense report back for approval. To learn more about sent back reports, click here.

To submit any expense report(s), select the expense report(s) and click on Submit Reports.

Submitted Reports

This tab includes expense reports that you have submitted for approval, but have not been approved by your approver or admin yet. You do not need to take any action on these expense reports.

However, if you wish to edit an already submitted expense report, you can do that from this tab. Click on the expense report that you wish to edit. On the View Report page,

  • If you want to add a new expense to this report, click on Add new expense

  • If you want to edit an existing expense in the report, open that expense and click on Edit

Approved or In Progress Reports

Approved Reports

In case your organisation allows expenses to be made only using corporate cards, you will be able to see this tab as Approved Reports. This tab includes all expense reports that have been approved by your approver or admin. You do not need to take action on these expense reports.

In Progress Reports

In case your organisation allows reimbursable expenses to be made using personal cards or cash, you will be able to see this tab as In Progress Reports. This tab includes:

  • Approved Reports: Expense reports that have been approved by your approver or admin, but any reimbursements applicable have not been processed towards your account yet.

  • Processing Reports: Expense reports that have been approved by your approver or admin and any reimbursements applicable have already been processed towards your account.

You cannot take any action on the expense reports under this tab.

Closed Reports

This tab includes expense reports that have been completely processed and closed by your approver and admin. If applicable, any reimbursements have been paid to your account. You cannot take any action on the expense reports under this tab.

Applying Filters and Customising My Reports page

Under each tab in the My Reports page, you can filter and search for expense reports by various criteria including report status, policy violations, date of creation, etc. To know more about these filters, click here.

You can also customise the way in which you view the My Reports page. You can hide or view different columns and reorder them as per your needs. To learn how to do this, click here.

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