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Fyle for Spenders
Using Fyle across platforms
Using Fyle across platforms
Discover different ways to use Fyle to create, code and submit expenses.
By Tanvi and 5 others
6 authors
19 articles
Web application
Create expenses on the web app
Understanding my expenses page
Understanding my reports page
Mobile application
Getting the Fyle mobile app
Creating expenses on Fye mobile app
Spender dashboard on mobile app
Understanding expenses on the mobile app
How to update your Fyle mobile app?
Email forwarding
Forward e-receipts from email to Fyle
Forward e-receipts from personal email IDs
Text messaging
Opt-in to text messages
Attaching receipts and coding expenses via text messages
Frequently asked questions on text messaging
Outlook Integration
Fyle add-in for outlook
Microsoft permission changes for Fyle Outlook Add-in
Browser intergration
Fyle extension for Google Chrome
Fyle add-in for Microsoft Edge
Slack integration
Slack integration for Fyle
Submit expense report from slack