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User Dashboard

Know everything that can be done from your dashboard as a spender.

Written by Pradyumna Dinni
Updated over a week ago

A spender can see an overview of their account, add an expense, and complete their pending tasks from the dashboard.

Add Expense: Part 1

Part 1 shows the option to add a new expense to Fyle. You can either click on 'Add Expense' to open the expense form instantly, or you can click on the ^ icon to open a list of options you can choose from.

Overview of account: Part 2

My Cards

If you have been allotted a Corporate Credit Card by your Organization or if you have added a Personal Card on your own, they will show up in the 'My Cards' section. You can go to the respective incomplete and unreported expenses against each card directly from here.

A corporate card would look something like this. If you have multiple cards added to your account, you can easily switch between cards using the arrows on the left and on the right as shown below.

A personal card will look something like this. You can sync your personal card with Fyle whenever you want to by clicking at the sync icon under the 'Last Synced' heading as shown below.

My Expenses

You can also look at the expenses which have some pending work left, that is, incomplete and unreported expenses.

Incomplete = Expenses which have some mandatory fields missing in them

Unreported = Expenses which have all mandatory fields filled but are not added to an expense report

Clicking on either of the boxes will take you to the respective expenses with appropriate filters applied.

My Expense Reports

Once you add your expenses to an expense report, they will appear in this section. Information on expense reports in draft, approved, reported, and payment processing states is present here.

Draft = Expense report which has not been reported/submitted yet

Reported = Expense report which has been reported/submitted but not been approved yet

Approved = Expense report which has been approved by the approver(s)

Payment Pending = Expense report which has been approved but has not entered the accounting software yet

If you click on any of these boxes, you will be taken to the respective expense reports.

Tasks: Part 3

Part 3 of the dashboard highlights all the pending tasks on the employee. Be it incomplete expenses missing some mandatory fields or expenses which are yet to be submitted in an expense report, all tasks will be visible here.

P.S.- You can get Fyle's extension for your web browser, Fyle's Slack bot, Fyle's MS Teams bot, and Fyle's apps for iOS and Android too.

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